Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things I hate today:

1. My co-workers' moodiness.
2. The smell of skanky dog in my office from my coworker's nasty dog that needs to be groomed.
3. That it is snowing in May.
4. That my feet are cold.
5. The stain on my pants.
6. That I am more than likely not going to have sex today.
7. The stiffening pain in my neck.
8. That at this very moment there is a woman being raped somewhere in the world.
9. My Mom for denying that she is an alcoholic.
10. Having no money in my savings account.
11. That I am craving cheese and don't have any.
12. That I am not on a beach in the warm sun reading a book with my bestie.
13. That I am not doing anything to stop #8.

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  1. Me too, #12. Times a million.

  2. My feet are cold too! At least its not snowing here.
