Sunday, February 19, 2012

When Life Hands You Lemons...

Make a John Daly!

And then move on with your day. 

My super exciting plans for this holiday weekend quickly came to a halt when I realized that I had purchased tickets for the wrong day.  It took me about 4 hours to accept that being blond isn't always a blessing and that I was going to have to take the good with the bad. 

Knowing I had three days off ahead of me my initial plan was to score some weed, watch bad movies and generally feel sorry for myself for the next 72 hours.  Junk food, tissues, sweatpants... had it all planned out.  But then my friends stepped in, as the always do (damn you) and we went to dinner on Friday night, at my favorite place, of course.  This was enough to lift my spirits and changed the tone of the weekend.  That night I decided that the next 72 hours could only go one of two ways... I could either choose to be Couch-potato-stoner-girl or Uber-productive-self-improvement-girl.   By some unforeseen miracle, I chose the latter. 

So, here I am doing homework, cleaning house, taking dogs for daily runs, and starting new crafty projects.  Who knew I had it in me?

One of my favorite people on the planet and I are making a quilt together - though we are 2000 miles apart.  It's from the Craftsy Block of the Month.  We have a little catching up to do....  But today I made January and it was totally fun.

So, with John Daly in hand, I am toughing out this bump in the road and trudging onward!  

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